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// bsp_peripherals
/// # Helper macro to give meaningful names to peripherals
/// The [`pac::Peripherals`](crate::pac::Peripherals) struct refers to each
/// peripheral by its datasheet name. However, in the context of a BSP,
/// peripherals can often be given more meaningful names. This macro gives BSP
/// authors a convenient way to provide custom names for each peripheral.
/// ## Calling the macro
/// The `bsp_peripherals!` macro takes a series of `PERIPHERAL` blocks. Each
/// block starts with a peripheral name from the `pac::Peripherals` struct and
/// is delimited by curly brackets. The brackets should contain a
/// comma-separated list of alternate names for the peripheral, in `PascalCase`.
/// The example below defines `Uart` as an alias for the `SERCOM2` peripheral
/// and `DisplaySpi` as an alias for the `SERCOM4` peripheral.
/// ```
/// atsamd_hal::bsp_peripherals!(
/// SERCOM2 { Uart }
/// SERCOM4 { DisplaySpi }
/// );
/// ```
/// The macro defines a type alias for each name within curly brackets. The
/// example above would exand to
/// ```
/// pub type Uart = pac::SERCOM2;
/// pub type DisplaySpi = pac::SERCOM4;
/// ```
/// While these type aliases are useful, they do not completely separate the
/// mapping of each peripheral from the corresponding code.
/// In Rust, each struct field can only have one name. Fields of the
/// `pac::Peripherals` struct are named according to their datasheet identifier.
/// Consequently, you must access the peripheral using that name. For example,
/// ```
/// let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
/// let uart = peripherals.SERCOM2;
/// ```
/// To provide access to the same struct field using *different* names, the
/// `bsp_peripherals!` macro defines another macro, `periph_alias!`. Based on
/// the example above, we could use the `periph_alias!` macro to access the
/// `SERCOM2` peripheral without ever referring to it directly.
/// ```
/// let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
/// let uart = periph_alias!(peripherals.uart);
/// ```
/// Note that the `Uart` alias was translated to `snake_case` when accessing
/// the `pac::Peripherals` field. The same is true for the `DisplaySpi` alias.
/// ```
/// let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
/// let display_spi = periph_alias!(peripherals.display_spi);
/// ```
/// ## Attributes and documentation
/// BSP authors can also add attributes to various parts of the macro
/// declaration. Attributes can be added to the entire `PERIPHERAL` block. These
/// attributes will be propagated to every use of the corresponding
/// `PERIPHERAL`. Attributes applied to each alias, on the other hand, will only
/// be propagated to items specific to that alias, like the corresponding type
/// alias.
/// ```
/// atsamd_hal::bsp_peripherals!(
/// SERCOM2 {
/// #[cfg(feature = "uart")]
/// Uart
/// }
/// #[cfg(feature = "display")]
/// SERCOM4 { DisplaySpi }
/// );
/// ```
macro_rules! bsp_peripherals {
$( #[$peripheral_cfg:meta] )*
$( #[$alias_cfg:meta] )*
$Alias:ident $(,)?
} $(,)?
) => {
$( #[$peripheral_cfg] )*
$( #[$alias_cfg] )*
$( #[$alias_cfg] )*
macro_rules! __create_peripheral_aliases {
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
) => {
$crate::paste::paste! {
$( #[$attr] )*
doc = "Alias for the "
"[`" $PERIPHERAL "`](atsamd_hal::pac::" $PERIPHERAL ") "
pub type $Alias = atsamd_hal::pac::$PERIPHERAL;
macro_rules! __define_periph_alias_macro {
$( #[$attr:meta] )*
($PERIPHERAL:ident, $Alias:ident)
) => {
$crate::paste::paste! {
/// Refer to fields of the [`Peripherals`](atsamd_hal::pac::Peripherals)
/// struct by alternate names
/// This macro can be used to access fields of the `Peripherals`
/// struct by alternate names. The available aliases are:
#[ doc =
" - [`" $PERIPHERAL "`](atsamd_hal::pac::" $PERIPHERAL ") \
can be refered to with the type alias [`" $Alias "`] and \
accessed as the field name `" $Alias:snake "`\n"
/// For example. suppose `display_spi` were an alternate name for
/// the `SERCOM4` peripheral. You could use the `periph_alias!`
/// macro to access it like this:
/// ```
/// let mut peripherals = pac::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
/// // Replace this
/// let display_spi = peripherals.SERCOM4;
/// // With this
/// let display_spi = periph_alias!(peripherals.display_spi);
/// ```
macro_rules! periph_alias {
( $peripherals:ident . [<$Alias:snake>] ) => {
$( #[$attr] )*
macro_rules! [<peripheral_alias_ $Alias:snake>] {
() => { $peripherals.$PERIPHERAL };
[<peripheral_alias_ $Alias:snake>]!()