1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
#[doc = "Control A"] pub struct CTRLA { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "Control A"] pub mod ctrla; #[doc = "Synchronization Busy"] pub struct SYNCBUSY { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "Synchronization Busy"] pub mod syncbusy; #[doc = "USB Quality Of Service"] pub struct QOSCTRL { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "USB Quality Of Service"] pub mod qosctrl; #[doc = "HOST Control B"] pub struct CTRLB { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u16>, } #[doc = "HOST Control B"] pub mod ctrlb; #[doc = "HOST Host Start Of Frame Control"] pub struct HSOFC { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST Host Start Of Frame Control"] pub mod hsofc; #[doc = "HOST Status"] pub struct STATUS { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST Status"] pub mod status; #[doc = "Finite State Machine Status"] pub struct FSMSTATUS { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "Finite State Machine Status"] pub mod fsmstatus; #[doc = "HOST Host Frame Number"] pub struct FNUM { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u16>, } #[doc = "HOST Host Frame Number"] pub mod fnum; #[doc = "HOST Host Frame Length"] pub struct FLENHIGH { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST Host Frame Length"] pub mod flenhigh; #[doc = "HOST Host Interrupt Enable Clear"] pub struct INTENCLR { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u16>, } #[doc = "HOST Host Interrupt Enable Clear"] pub mod intenclr; #[doc = "HOST Host Interrupt Enable Set"] pub struct INTENSET { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u16>, } #[doc = "HOST Host Interrupt Enable Set"] pub mod intenset; #[doc = "HOST Host Interrupt Flag"] pub struct INTFLAG { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u16>, } #[doc = "HOST Host Interrupt Flag"] pub mod intflag; #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Summary"] pub struct PINTSMRY { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u16>, } #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Summary"] pub mod pintsmry; #[doc = "Descriptor Address"] pub struct DESCADD { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u32>, } #[doc = "Descriptor Address"] pub mod descadd; #[doc = "USB PAD Calibration"] pub struct PADCAL { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u16>, } #[doc = "USB PAD Calibration"] pub mod padcal; #[doc = "HOST End Point Configuration"] pub struct PCFG { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST End Point Configuration"] pub mod pcfg; #[doc = "HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"] pub struct BINTERVAL { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"] pub mod binterval; #[doc = "HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"] pub struct PSTATUSCLR { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"] pub mod pstatusclr; #[doc = "HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"] pub struct PSTATUSSET { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"] pub mod pstatusset; #[doc = "HOST End Point Pipe Status"] pub struct PSTATUS { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST End Point Pipe Status"] pub mod pstatus; #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"] pub struct PINTFLAG { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"] pub mod pintflag; #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"] pub struct PINTENCLR { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"] pub mod pintenclr; #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"] pub struct PINTENSET { register: ::vcell::VolatileCell<u8>, } #[doc = "HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"] pub mod pintenset;