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#[doc = r" Value read from the register"] pub struct R { bits: u8, } impl super::STATUS { #[doc = r" Reads the contents of the register"] #[inline] pub fn read(&self) -> R { R { bits: self.register.get(), } } } #[doc = r" Value of the field"] pub struct SYNCBUSYR { bits: bool, } impl SYNCBUSYR { #[doc = r" Value of the field as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bit(&self) -> bool { self.bits } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool { !self.bit() } #[doc = r" Returns `true` if the bit is set (1)"] #[inline] pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool { self.bit() } } impl R { #[doc = r" Value of the register as raw bits"] #[inline] pub fn bits(&self) -> u8 { self.bits } #[doc = "Bit 7 - Synchronization Busy Status"] #[inline] pub fn syncbusy(&self) -> SYNCBUSYR { let bits = { const MASK: bool = true; const OFFSET: u8 = 7; ((self.bits >> OFFSET) & MASK as u8) != 0 }; SYNCBUSYR { bits } } }