#[doc = r" Register block"]
pub struct RegisterBlock {
_reserved_0_host: [u8; 273usize],
impl RegisterBlock {
#[doc = "0x00 - USB is Host"]
pub fn host(&self) -> &HOST {
unsafe { &*(((self as *const Self) as *const u8).add(0usize) as *const HOST) }
#[doc = "0x00 - USB is Host"]
pub fn host_mut(&self) -> &mut HOST {
unsafe { &mut *(((self as *const Self) as *mut u8).add(0usize) as *mut HOST) }
#[doc = "0x00 - USB is Device"]
pub fn device(&self) -> &DEVICE {
unsafe { &*(((self as *const Self) as *const u8).add(0usize) as *const DEVICE) }
#[doc = "0x00 - USB is Device"]
pub fn device_mut(&self) -> &mut DEVICE {
unsafe { &mut *(((self as *const Self) as *mut u8).add(0usize) as *mut DEVICE) }
#[doc = r" Register block"]
pub struct DEVICE {
#[doc = "0x00 - Control A"]
pub ctrla: self::device::CTRLA,
_reserved1: [u8; 1usize],
#[doc = "0x02 - Synchronization Busy"]
pub syncbusy: self::device::SYNCBUSY,
#[doc = "0x03 - USB Quality Of Service"]
pub qosctrl: self::device::QOSCTRL,
_reserved3: [u8; 4usize],
#[doc = "0x08 - DEVICE Control B"]
pub ctrlb: self::device::CTRLB,
#[doc = "0x0a - DEVICE Device Address"]
pub dadd: self::device::DADD,
_reserved5: [u8; 1usize],
#[doc = "0x0c - DEVICE Status"]
pub status: self::device::STATUS,
#[doc = "0x0d - Finite State Machine Status"]
pub fsmstatus: self::device::FSMSTATUS,
_reserved7: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x10 - DEVICE Device Frame Number"]
pub fnum: self::device::FNUM,
_reserved8: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x14 - DEVICE Device Interrupt Enable Clear"]
pub intenclr: self::device::INTENCLR,
_reserved9: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x18 - DEVICE Device Interrupt Enable Set"]
pub intenset: self::device::INTENSET,
_reserved10: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x1c - DEVICE Device Interrupt Flag"]
pub intflag: self::device::INTFLAG,
_reserved11: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x20 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Summary"]
pub epintsmry: self::device::EPINTSMRY,
_reserved12: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x24 - Descriptor Address"]
pub descadd: self::device::DESCADD,
#[doc = "0x28 - USB PAD Calibration"]
pub padcal: self::device::PADCAL,
_reserved14: [u8; 214usize],
#[doc = "0x100 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg0: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved15: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x104 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr0: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x105 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset0: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x106 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus0: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x107 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag0: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x108 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr0: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x109 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset0: self::device::EPINTENSET,
_reserved21: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x120 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg1: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved22: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x124 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr1: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x125 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset1: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x126 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus1: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x127 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag1: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x128 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr1: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x129 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset1: self::device::EPINTENSET,
_reserved28: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x140 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg2: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved29: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x144 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr2: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x145 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset2: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x146 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus2: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x147 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag2: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x148 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr2: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x149 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset2: self::device::EPINTENSET,
_reserved35: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x160 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg3: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved36: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x164 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr3: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x165 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset3: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x166 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus3: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x167 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag3: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x168 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr3: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x169 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset3: self::device::EPINTENSET,
_reserved42: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x180 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg4: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved43: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x184 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr4: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x185 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset4: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x186 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus4: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x187 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag4: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x188 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr4: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x189 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset4: self::device::EPINTENSET,
_reserved49: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x1a0 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg5: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved50: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x1a4 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr5: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x1a5 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset5: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x1a6 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus5: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x1a7 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag5: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x1a8 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr5: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x1a9 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset5: self::device::EPINTENSET,
_reserved56: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x1c0 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg6: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved57: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x1c4 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr6: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x1c5 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset6: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x1c6 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus6: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x1c7 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag6: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x1c8 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr6: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x1c9 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset6: self::device::EPINTENSET,
_reserved63: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x1e0 - DEVICE End Point Configuration"]
pub epcfg7: self::device::EPCFG,
_reserved64: [u8; 3usize],
#[doc = "0x1e4 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub epstatusclr7: self::device::EPSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x1e5 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub epstatusset7: self::device::EPSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x1e6 - DEVICE End Point Pipe Status"]
pub epstatus7: self::device::EPSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x1e7 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Flag"]
pub epintflag7: self::device::EPINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x1e8 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Clear Flag"]
pub epintenclr7: self::device::EPINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x1e9 - DEVICE End Point Interrupt Set Flag"]
pub epintenset7: self::device::EPINTENSET,
#[doc = r" Register block"]
#[doc = "USB is Device"]
pub mod device;
#[doc = r" Register block"]
pub struct HOST {
#[doc = "0x00 - Control A"]
pub ctrla: self::host::CTRLA,
_reserved1: [u8; 1usize],
#[doc = "0x02 - Synchronization Busy"]
pub syncbusy: self::host::SYNCBUSY,
#[doc = "0x03 - USB Quality Of Service"]
pub qosctrl: self::host::QOSCTRL,
_reserved3: [u8; 4usize],
#[doc = "0x08 - HOST Control B"]
pub ctrlb: self::host::CTRLB,
#[doc = "0x0a - HOST Host Start Of Frame Control"]
pub hsofc: self::host::HSOFC,
_reserved5: [u8; 1usize],
#[doc = "0x0c - HOST Status"]
pub status: self::host::STATUS,
#[doc = "0x0d - Finite State Machine Status"]
pub fsmstatus: self::host::FSMSTATUS,
_reserved7: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x10 - HOST Host Frame Number"]
pub fnum: self::host::FNUM,
#[doc = "0x12 - HOST Host Frame Length"]
pub flenhigh: self::host::FLENHIGH,
_reserved9: [u8; 1usize],
#[doc = "0x14 - HOST Host Interrupt Enable Clear"]
pub intenclr: self::host::INTENCLR,
_reserved10: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x18 - HOST Host Interrupt Enable Set"]
pub intenset: self::host::INTENSET,
_reserved11: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x1c - HOST Host Interrupt Flag"]
pub intflag: self::host::INTFLAG,
_reserved12: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x20 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Summary"]
pub pintsmry: self::host::PINTSMRY,
_reserved13: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x24 - Descriptor Address"]
pub descadd: self::host::DESCADD,
#[doc = "0x28 - USB PAD Calibration"]
pub padcal: self::host::PADCAL,
_reserved15: [u8; 214usize],
#[doc = "0x100 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg0: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved16: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x103 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval0: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x104 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr0: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x105 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset0: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x106 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus0: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x107 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag0: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x108 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr0: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x109 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset0: self::host::PINTENSET,
_reserved23: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x120 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg1: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved24: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x123 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval1: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x124 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr1: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x125 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset1: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x126 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus1: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x127 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag1: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x128 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr1: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x129 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset1: self::host::PINTENSET,
_reserved31: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x140 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg2: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved32: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x143 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval2: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x144 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr2: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x145 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset2: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x146 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus2: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x147 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag2: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x148 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr2: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x149 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset2: self::host::PINTENSET,
_reserved39: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x160 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg3: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved40: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x163 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval3: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x164 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr3: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x165 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset3: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x166 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus3: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x167 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag3: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x168 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr3: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x169 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset3: self::host::PINTENSET,
_reserved47: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x180 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg4: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved48: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x183 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval4: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x184 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr4: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x185 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset4: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x186 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus4: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x187 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag4: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x188 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr4: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x189 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset4: self::host::PINTENSET,
_reserved55: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x1a0 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg5: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved56: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x1a3 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval5: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x1a4 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr5: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x1a5 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset5: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x1a6 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus5: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x1a7 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag5: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x1a8 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr5: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x1a9 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset5: self::host::PINTENSET,
_reserved63: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x1c0 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg6: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved64: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x1c3 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval6: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x1c4 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr6: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x1c5 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset6: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x1c6 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus6: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x1c7 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag6: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x1c8 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr6: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x1c9 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset6: self::host::PINTENSET,
_reserved71: [u8; 22usize],
#[doc = "0x1e0 - HOST End Point Configuration"]
pub pcfg7: self::host::PCFG,
_reserved72: [u8; 2usize],
#[doc = "0x1e3 - HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe"]
pub binterval7: self::host::BINTERVAL,
#[doc = "0x1e4 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear"]
pub pstatusclr7: self::host::PSTATUSCLR,
#[doc = "0x1e5 - HOST End Point Pipe Status Set"]
pub pstatusset7: self::host::PSTATUSSET,
#[doc = "0x1e6 - HOST End Point Pipe Status"]
pub pstatus7: self::host::PSTATUS,
#[doc = "0x1e7 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag"]
pub pintflag7: self::host::PINTFLAG,
#[doc = "0x1e8 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear"]
pub pintenclr7: self::host::PINTENCLR,
#[doc = "0x1e9 - HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set"]
pub pintenset7: self::host::PINTENSET,
#[doc = r" Register block"]
#[doc = "USB is Host"]
pub mod host;