[−][src]Module atsamd21e18a::sysctrl::xosc
External Multipurpose Crystal Oscillator (XOSC) Control
AMPGCR | Value of the field |
ENABLER | Value of the field |
ONDEMANDR | Value of the field |
R | Value read from the register |
RUNSTDBYR | Value of the field |
STARTUPR | Value of the field |
W | Value to write to the register |
XTALENR | Value of the field |
_AMPGCW | Proxy |
_ENABLEW | Proxy |
_GAINW | Proxy |
_ONDEMANDW | Proxy |
_RUNSTDBYW | Proxy |
_STARTUPW | Proxy |
_XTALENW | Proxy |
GAINR | Possible values of the field |
GAINW | Values that can be written to the field |