[−][src]Module arduino_mkrzero::usb::host
Register block USB is Host
binterval | HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe |
ctrla | Control A |
ctrlb | HOST Control B |
descadd | Descriptor Address |
flenhigh | HOST Host Frame Length |
fnum | HOST Host Frame Number |
fsmstatus | Finite State Machine Status |
hsofc | HOST Host Start Of Frame Control |
intenclr | HOST Host Interrupt Enable Clear |
intenset | HOST Host Interrupt Enable Set |
intflag | HOST Host Interrupt Flag |
padcal | USB PAD Calibration |
pcfg | HOST End Point Configuration |
pintenclr | HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear |
pintenset | HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set |
pintflag | HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag |
pintsmry | HOST Pipe Interrupt Summary |
pstatus | HOST End Point Pipe Status |
pstatusclr | HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear |
pstatusset | HOST End Point Pipe Status Set |
qosctrl | USB Quality Of Service |
status | HOST Status |
syncbusy | Synchronization Busy |
BINTERVAL | HOST Bus Access Period of Pipe |
CTRLA | Control A |
CTRLB | HOST Control B |
DESCADD | Descriptor Address |
FLENHIGH | HOST Host Frame Length |
FNUM | HOST Host Frame Number |
FSMSTATUS | Finite State Machine Status |
HSOFC | HOST Host Start Of Frame Control |
INTENCLR | HOST Host Interrupt Enable Clear |
INTENSET | HOST Host Interrupt Enable Set |
INTFLAG | HOST Host Interrupt Flag |
PADCAL | USB PAD Calibration |
PCFG | HOST End Point Configuration |
PINTENCLR | HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Clear |
PINTENSET | HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag Set |
PINTFLAG | HOST Pipe Interrupt Flag |
PINTSMRY | HOST Pipe Interrupt Summary |
PSTATUS | HOST End Point Pipe Status |
PSTATUSCLR | HOST End Point Pipe Status Clear |
PSTATUSSET | HOST End Point Pipe Status Set |
QOSCTRL | USB Quality Of Service |
STATUS | HOST Status |
SYNCBUSY | Synchronization Busy |