[−][src]Module arduino_mkrzero::adc
Analog Digital Converter
avgctrl | Average Control |
calib | Calibration |
ctrla | Control A |
ctrlb | Control B |
dbgctrl | Debug Control |
evctrl | Event Control |
gaincorr | Gain Correction |
inputctrl | Input Control |
intenclr | Interrupt Enable Clear |
intenset | Interrupt Enable Set |
intflag | Interrupt Flag Status and Clear |
offsetcorr | Offset Correction |
refctrl | Reference Control |
result | Result |
sampctrl | Sampling Time Control |
status | Status |
swtrig | Software Trigger |
winctrl | Window Monitor Control |
winlt | Window Monitor Lower Threshold |
winut | Window Monitor Upper Threshold |
AVGCTRL | Average Control |
CALIB | Calibration |
CTRLA | Control A |
CTRLB | Control B |
DBGCTRL | Debug Control |
EVCTRL | Event Control |
GAINCORR | Gain Correction |
INPUTCTRL | Input Control |
INTENCLR | Interrupt Enable Clear |
INTENSET | Interrupt Enable Set |
INTFLAG | Interrupt Flag Status and Clear |
OFFSETCORR | Offset Correction |
REFCTRL | Reference Control |
RESULT | Result |
RegisterBlock | Register block |
SAMPCTRL | Sampling Time Control |
STATUS | Status |
SWTRIG | Software Trigger |
WINCTRL | Window Monitor Control |
WINLT | Window Monitor Lower Threshold |
WINUT | Window Monitor Upper Threshold |