[−][src]Module arduino_mkrzero::ac
Analog Comparators
compctrl | Comparator Control n |
ctrla | Control A |
ctrlb | Control B |
evctrl | Event Control |
intenclr | Interrupt Enable Clear |
intenset | Interrupt Enable Set |
intflag | Interrupt Flag Status and Clear |
scaler | Scaler n |
statusa | Status A |
statusb | Status B |
statusc | Status C |
winctrl | Window Control |
COMPCTRL | Comparator Control n |
CTRLA | Control A |
CTRLB | Control B |
EVCTRL | Event Control |
INTENCLR | Interrupt Enable Clear |
INTENSET | Interrupt Enable Set |
INTFLAG | Interrupt Flag Status and Clear |
RegisterBlock | Register block |
SCALER | Scaler n |
STATUSA | Status A |
STATUSB | Status B |
STATUSC | Status C |
WINCTRL | Window Control |