[−][src]Module gemma_m0::usb::host::ctrlb
HOST Control B
BUSRESETR | Value of the field |
L1RESUMER | Value of the field |
R | Value read from the register |
RESUMER | Value of the field |
SOFER | Value of the field |
TSTJR | Value of the field |
TSTKR | Value of the field |
VBUSOKR | Value of the field |
W | Value to write to the register |
_BUSRESETW | Proxy |
_L1RESUMEW | Proxy |
_RESUMEW | Proxy |
_SOFEW | Proxy |
_SPDCONFW | Proxy |
_TSTJW | Proxy |
_TSTKW | Proxy |
_VBUSOKW | Proxy |
SPDCONFR | Possible values of the field |
SPDCONFW | Values that can be written to the field |